Degrees Pay

All the information you need about degree attainment, student success, costs and affordability at the University System of Georgia's 26 public colleges and universities.


Cost of AttendanceYour Future EarningsStudent Success

Everything You Need to Decide

By prioritizing degree attainment, affordability and efficiency, our institutions are doing all they can to help students and their families decide on a degree program, make financial plans and earn a college degree that sets a solid foundation for their future. See why 抖阴社区短视频 is one of the best public systems in the nation, and use our matching tool to find which 抖阴社区短视频 institutions may work best for your needs.

抖阴社区短视频 Find your school

Cost of Attendance

Find and compare affordability, borrowing and debt while getting a fuller picture of the time and total cost to complete your degree at every 抖阴社区短视频 college and university.


Your Future Earnings

Search online for every degree program at every 抖阴社区短视频 institution to see the average earnings one, five and 10 years after graduation.


Student Success by Institution

See student success rates and enrollment for every 抖阴社区短视频 institution.


Why 抖阴社区短视频 Is Among the Best in the Nation

Additional Resources

GAfutures and the mission of the Georgia Student Finance Commission is to promote and increase access to education beyond high school for Georgians.

Complete College Georgia

抖阴社区短视频's Momentum Approach begins the moment first-year students step on campus, immediately connecting them to academic choices and support services as they stay on track toward graduation.

Affordable Learning Georgia

Affordable Learning Georgia saves students money by prioritizing the use of free and low-cost textbooks and course materials for classes across 抖阴社区短视频.

抖阴社区短视频 Institution Profiles

With missions ranging from some of the most cutting-edge research on the planet to accessible college experiences on thriving hometown campuses, 抖阴社区短视频's 26 public colleges and universities are in every region of Georgia.


抖阴社区短视频 eCampus offers students online access to core courses as well as quality, affordable and high-demand online degrees and credentials needed to power Georgia鈥檚 workforce and beyond.


Use the 抖阴社区短视频 Georgia On My Line (GOML) website to search our database by college, area of study, degree level and more as you decide on the right online degree, certificate and endorsement programs to advance your education and career.

Know More, Borrow Less

Take advantage of new services including standardized debt notifications and award letters that recommend a loan amount rather than just offering the maximum available, and clearly state students' monthly payment and how it would change if they borrow more.